Friends On Same Wavelength as on 12 Th March 2012
Dr Jagdish Rustogi Presided over the meeting and Guest speaker was S Krishnamurthy,Former Chief of Engineering, Indian Railways, Government of India.
The program was started with prayer presented by Rajlaxmi. Thereafter M L Swamy gave the brief history of the FOSWL. Dr Rustogy gave opening remarks wherein he mentioned about the introduction of the high speed trains in India. He also praised the best managed Delhi Metro. Venkat Rao introduced the guest speaker S Krishnamurthy A Srinivasan also latter on spoke very highly of S Krishnamurthy.
S Krishnamurthy gave presentation on ‘ The development and modernization of Indian Railways’ along with his experiences with the operation of German Railways. He gave the brief history of Railways since its inception at Mumbai in the year 1853.
He also mentioned regarding the structures of Railways in india.He added Railway is having 17 Zones,60 Divisions with 63974 km Tracks. There are 1300000 employees with A,B,C and D Categories.
Besides that Railway has improved the tracks from Wooden to Concrete slabs. It has also gone from Steam Engines to Modern Electrically running Engines. Railway is also manufacturing the latest Locomotives, Wagons and Passengers Coaches. He also mentioned that even signaling system is also modernized like other Western countries.The electromegnetic field technique and optic fiber system are also used in improving the signalling system.
The Railway is also also planting new trees on its land in order to make environment changes. Besides that railway has established own training Colleges and Museums. This being done in order to train its employees for better operation and to maintain its heritage recepectivly. He concluded that Railway is planing for the future needs of people in advance as it has been playing very important role in the Social, and Transportation requirements of the Indian people .
The question answer Session was received very well. Sharda Shankar proposed vote of thanks at the end
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