In the begining one of the community organizations presented regarding transportation, healthcare facilities available for seniors.
Thereafter Shakuntala Bahadur introduced the day programs regarding Holi and International women’s Day. She also praised the women for their achievements in the past and present. However she was sorry that still oppression of women are going in the world.
Bharat Desai presented talk on International women day and its history thereon. He also referred Cleopatra, John of Arc, Madam Currie, Janshi ki rani for their contributions in the past. He also added that women has been playing vey important role in the political, economical and social developments of the world. In this connection he quoted names of Margret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, Indira Ghandhi, Srimavo Bandarnaik, Meghawati, Aun suu kiye, etc. He pointed out that still Jailalitha, Mayawati, and Mamata Benerji are playing very important roles in the social and political life of India. He concluded that we have improved the life of women in urban area but women are below standard life in rural area. They are suffering very much in Africa, Middle East and South East Areas. Therefore more is required to be done for them. The best way to empower them is to give them best education.
Zeba Razvi one of the senior member of the opinion that we should practice reforms for women then merely talking.
Rajkumari another Senior Lady member presented one devotional song while Amrita Verma presented the history of Gowalkonda Fort. Krishan Gutala presented few songs from old Indain movies.
Shakuntala Bahadur said Holi is a festival of Love,Friendship and Cleaning the Evil. She further added that the color adds the beauty of Holi Festival. Thereafter Rajlaxmi, Indu Chhabra, Kanan Srivastav and Vijaya Bhardwaj presented the songs relating to Holi. All seniors received them well and they enjoyed them on dancing thereon.
The celebrations ended with distributions of Sweet and applying Tilak on Seniors.
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