Global Trekking as on 6th February 2012
By Anu Peshawaria, Attorney
Dinesh Bajaj introduced Annu Peshawaria at the beginning of the talk.
Thereafter Anu Peshawaria, Attorney, Community worker and Human right activist presented her talk on “International Marriages”.
She said that there are different laws in different countries which makes divorce complicated. she further stated that for example divorce is easy in USA in compare to India. she informed that 2 out of five are divorce cases in USA. Therefore 70% of immigrant women are suffering in this country.
She added that there are few adverse effect on the concerned persons in the divorce proceedings. The children are very badly effected emotionally and mentally. Some time extramarital relationship bring early end of marriage life. Besides that divorce proceeding brings mental torture and isolation. Some time even immigrant status problem also arise and visa may be cancelled.
However the preventive steps can be taken to avoid such miserable situation.
Therefore the credential of the ‘NRI’ Bride or Bridegroom should be suitably examined prior to fixing the marriage. The marriage should be registered as per legal requirements. The copies of all travel documents should be kept by party concerned. She further suggested that separate bank account may be maintained in case of need. She also added that immigrant should also have one of the vocational skills of the country to which they intent to immigrate. Besides that immigrant should be conversant with laws of the country where they are immigrating. The local police and Embassy may be contacted in case of need.
Some of the seniors actively participated during the question /answer time. R B Singh was of opinion that divorce must be the last resort as it is not the everlasting solution. A Narayanaswami said that intermingling of communities are necessary to ease the problem. Jagdish Rastogi suggested that proper persuasion and guidance has to come from parents for their children. A Srinivas stated that some time intermingling of boys and girls does not solve the problem of marriage. Bharat Desai described legal problem arises due to the laws of countries which are involve in the divorce proceeding. Dinesh Bajaj humorously suggested that in french law it is allowed to marry a dead man. It may be a good solution.
M Santhanam proposed vote of thanks at end.
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