The 143 TH lecture under ‘FOSWL’ was delivered by Dr Rama Raju,Former Engineering Chief of Andhra Pradesh State, India on “ Improved water governance key to India's future.” Krishnan Gutala presided over the meeting. M L Swamy, Secretary gave the brief activities of ‘FOSWL’. Thereafter Jayshree Vasavada introduced the Chief Guest. Gutala also gave opening remarks a describing the importance of water management.
Dr Raju stated that water plays very vital role in human body. He informed that 80% of Blood is having water and the 70% of water in the brain helps the human activities. Water even picks up lot of oxygen. Our brain is different then computer because it has lot of freedom to act. The water is recycled due to difference of temperature. However it is always in short because 11/2 time increase in the population.
He added further that water is required for Agriculture, Industrial and Domestic purposes. However India's water resources are only 4% of world resources while India's population 16% of the world population. Besides that ground water level is also going down. Therefore India is the most water stressed country. We have been not able to harness major water resources because of very complex reasons.
Dr Raju is of view that it is very unfortunate that water is a state subject which makes it very difficult to share the rivers water among states in India. Therefore he was off opinion that law may be enacted by Central government to share the water resources . Besides that Sometime flood, draught and cyclone are making the situation worse. He concluded at the end by giving guide lines for saving water
The question answer session was well received and many seniors participated in the same
Pramila Desai proposed vote of Thanks.
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