(Session Regarding Mahatma Gandhi’s Death Anniversary-i.e.31st January
The birth Anniversary of Subhsh Bose- i.e. 23rd January
and the Celebration of ‘Vasant Panchmi’.)
The session was conducted by Shakuntala Bahadur with M K Rao.
Mira Ramchandran , Rajlaxmi and Shakuntala Bahadur gave talk and recited poems regarding
Vasnat Panchami. Rajlaxmi also briefed regarding the cultural and religious significance of Vasant Panchmi. Nirmala Arora also gave details regarding the celebration of Vasant Panchmi.
M L Swamy gave the religious aspect of changing the position of sun and it effect on the world and weather. Besides that he described that how sun is being prayed in southern India during such auspicious occasion.
B K Rao gave a detail profile of Subhash Bose from his birth to death. Shakuntala Bahadur recited the poem praising Netaji Bose. Seniors also presented the song ‘ Kadam kadam Badhaejaa’ which was popular then with ‘’Indian national army.
A Narayanaswami presented sarcastic talk on present position of India in context of Gandhian philosophy thereon. Dr Butala gave talk on Gandhian ideals. Ramji Patel also gave talk on quality of leadership. Bharat Desai talk on the leadership of Gandhi and Subhash Bose in context of present lack of leadership in india . Shankuntala Bahadur and other senior ladies sang the song ‘Vaisnav jan to ene Khie‘which was very dear to Mahatma Gandhi.
Narendra Pathak, a guest gave information regarding seniors..
Many seniors also paid tribute to Late Narindra Chopra who was active member of the ICC, Cupertino Center.
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