T P Subramonian introduced Krisha Gutala, Former Principal of Engineering College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. He also added that Upanishads came from Vedas 400 before Christ. He also refered the ‘President Day ‘stating that ‘Let the Leadership of the Country works for public interest’.
Thereafter Krishna Gutala gave his presentation on Upanishads.He informed that there are more then 120 Upanishads but he will only present few in given time. Besides that he explained that Upanishads are consist of Mantras which gives Direction and Enlighten the Mind. Mantras also discuss on ‘who?, why ?and what? It describes how to attain peace,and happiness against the various type of disturbances in the life.
He said there are many Upanishads but among them Isha, Taittariya, Katha,Prashna, Mandukya, Shetashvatary,Chandogya are important upnishads which deal with vital issues of life. They have their roots in Yajurved or Athervaved or Samved. He stated that Ishopnishad deals with phylosophy of God and God realization. while Taittariya upnishad deals with creation of Universe. Katha discuss about secret of death and Prashna is about root cause of Universe. Chandogya is all about secrifice and forms of Worship. Shevetashvatry gives knowlwdge of ‘Brahma’. He concluded that all Upanishads are the intellectual treasure created by our Rishis. The question answer session was also received very well. T P Subramonion proposed vote of thanks for Krishna Gutala.
Thereafter upcoming artists of Bay Area Shishil along with Ashish( On Tabala) entertained the Seniors with the presentation of classical music.
Shakuntala Bahadur proposed vote of thanks for Artists.