Kalyani Subramonian was introduced by M K Rao. She reviewed a book Title “Sons and Lovers” by D H Lawrence.
Kalyani Subramonian presented the said book in very analytical manner. She informed that book described the love between mother and son and between son to his wife. The story turn ultimately wherein father and son left apart. She added that it is a story with note of optimism.She further commented that love should reflect on the both side and it can not be one way. However son loves more his mother while daughter’s love is always more for her father. She was talking about love which reflects in the novel under review. It also describe the problem in life but we have to live with it. It also indicate the lesson has to be learn from the life. some where it also indicate the nature of woman.
T P Subramonion also gave his comments on the book. He said it is book of positive and negative feelings. Love should be mutual which is being also implicated in the book. The author was ahead of time and his views were not accepted then by society but it was accepted latteron. He concluded that it mainly deals on Relationship.
Bharat Desai and Manilal Jagtap took part in the discussion. Manilal Jatap was of opinion that writing should always reflect the life of the concerned period.
Bharat Desai presented his two Books one is in English Title ‘ Rainbow’ and another one in Gujarati ‘ Huj Ishwar Chhu’ i.e. ‘I am God’. The ‘Rainbow’ deals with the short stories based on Friendship, Love, Jealousy, Revenge, Broken Family, and Mental problems. The other Book ‘Huj Ishwar Chhu’ is on subjects which are related to ‘Inner developments'.
M K Rao proposed vote of Thanks.
Thereafter M K Rao took yoga classes for remaining one hour.
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