Monday, April 8, 2013

Second Monday program as on 8 Th April 2013
(Friends On Same Wave Length-FOSWL)
                                                                              The program started with the poem of Ravindranath Tagore which was presented by Nazneen. T P Subramonion conducted the program as chair and Prof. Dr R.V. S. N. Sarma, Vice President of FOSWL (India ) Chennai, Tamil Nadu, was a Guest Speaker.

                                                               Thereafter M L Swamy , Secretary, FOSWL gave welcome address wherein he gave the brief reports of previous meeting of FOSWL' and activities of other units of 'FOSWL'at Chennai and Mysore. Prof. A Srinivasan gave introduction where in he mentioned that Dr Sarma is also professor at Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai. T P Subramonion gave opening remarks wherein he mentioned the tremendous contributions made by Adi Sankaracharya  in his thirty two years of life. He also made references from Jagat Guru's two Books.i.e.The Govindam, and 'Vivek Chintamani'.

                                                                        Prof. Sarma  gave a talk on 'The Glimpses in to the work of Jagat Guru Sri Adi Sankaracharya'.  He briefed in the beginning regarding three  major topics with which Adi Sankaracharya has dealt with.i.e. Dhyana (Inner Development) , Prakriya (philosophy), and Bhaashya(Commentary). He started with Ganesha Prayer. He added further regarding various Stroshtras like Sivastam, Lingastam, Kal Lekhastam, Annapurnastak i.e. which preaches regarding' The identity of Ourselves and the identity of God'. Besides that he added that 'God' is every where and thy is pure. There are many stroshtras like Kanakdhara,Balkrishna, Mahisasurmardini which described the ways and means of realizations.        
                                                                            Besides that Adi Sankaracharya says Worries are  worse than Cremation. The worries  burns one alive while cremation takes place only after death. Jagat Guru has also said that one should worship 'God' with heart and should not wait until something happen as only foolish people will wait for such eventuality. Besides that he also preached that why to care more about  body which is going to be destroyed.  One should always practice equality. What is use of chanting mantras if you do not develop your inner soul? One must digest Geeta  and Puranas instead of simply reading the same.  The  company of good people that too with same wave length is essential in  development of soul. Besides that one has to do charity and to serve needy one. The liberation from illusory  worldly things  is the only way of salvation. Dr Sarma also made some points from the great work of Jagat Guru i.e.The 'Saudarya Laheri, Sivanand  Laheri, Vivekchindamani in which  messages are given to surrender the God and ask forgiveness for whatever sin are committed knowingly or unknowingly.

                                                                           The question answer session was received very well wherein some of the seniors, Adwesh Mathur, Ramchandra, Bharat Desai, and A Srinivasan took active parts.
                                                                           T P Subramonion gave his summing up and Mrs Rangmany Swami proposed vote of thanks.  The program ended with prayer.

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