The program started with prayer by Shamalaji
The Program was conducted by Dinesh Bajaj and he also introduced the Guest Speaker Marty Braunstein.
He is a writer of a book title" Two Among Righteous Few" He also works as a Management Consultant.
Marty Braunstein gave talk on the the genocide of Jews committed by German during the Second World war. He also described the story regarding the courage shown by one of the Christian families in the Netherland who saved hundred of Jews from German Army.
He further added that Genocide started from 1933 up to 1945 i.e. the end of Second World War.He also informed that 55 Million people died during the war out of which 30 Millions were Civilian including 3 Millon Jews were also masscarred among them. Besides that India also contributed 1.5 Million soldiers to help Britan then.
The German started eliminating Jews whom they consider undesirable People. They also removed even Judge of Supreme Court of Germany who was from Jew Community. Gemany started running down Poland and other Europium Countries overlooking even some of the Neutral Countries like Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Holland and Switzerland. German use to send Jews in the concentration Camps for the Work and they were killed their systematically. There were very few Christian families who helped those fortunate people as 97% of the population was then under fear and doing nothing. The remaining 21/2% were in collaboration with German Authorities. Marty described the rare courage of those few people in his book who made efforts to save the Jews.
It was very informative lecture and was received very well by Members. Several members took active part in the Question Answer Session.
The vote of thanks was proposed at the end.