The program was inaugurated with the Tamil devotional song by Prema Santhnam.. M Santhnam thereafter introduced the speakers T P Subramonian and Manisha Shah. The Guest speaker Anu Peshawaria could not attend the program due to unavoidable circumstances.Manisha shah agreed to give a talk on the ‘Immigration Laws‘ in the absence of Guest speaker.
T P Subramonian spoke on the world scenario in the year 2011. He informed regarding the withdrawal of the last batch of American troops from Iraq. He said that brings the end of Iraqi war. However he added that America lost 4000 soldiers and 30000 injured in the said war..
He further pointed out regarding the rise of Democracy and the movements against Dictatorship in the some of the countries of Africa and the Middle East. The countries like Libya Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Bahrain also faced the violent protest.
Besides that he said that world has been facing economic recession in the 2011. America and Europe are the major victims of the same. There were protest against governments all over the world due to inflation, unemployment's, and economic Hardship. Even the wall street is also not spared from the same.
India is also affected from the said economic crises. The Indian Rupee is also losing its value which is adversely affecting Indian economy. Besides that strong agitation is going on against the corruption and black money under the Leadership Anna Hazare. India is also facing problems within like Telangana Agitation, The water sharing problem between kerala and Tamilnadu, The Division of UP and the strong naxelite movement.
He concluded at the end that science and technology are also doing well. The Google’s project on driver less car has made Good Way. Besides that intelligent assistance program on Verbal Command is also doing well.
Thereafter Manisha Shah shared her experiences regarding immigration laws of various countries. She said that American immigration laws are based on numbers as quotas are fixed for each country while European immigration laws are based on merits because they want to admit specific skilled, and efficient immigrant. She added that Swiss immigration laws are more complicated. she was critical of Indian immigration law as there are no clarity and it is run by police.
She added that immigration law is a civil law and not criminal law. She concluded that each country makes it immigration law on the basis of its requirements. The American law stress more on the knowledge of English and on the financial status of immigrant. This is in order to see that immigrant may not become financial liability to the state.
M Santhnam proposed vote of Thank.Thereafter one hour ‘Yoga Session’ was conducted by Mahendrabhai.
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