Fourth Friday program as om 28 Th December 2012
(Cupertino colloquium chapter of ICC)
The program started with prayer offered by Sita Dorairaj. Bharat Desai was a Chairperson of the program and Dr Akur Srinivasan was Guest Speaker. He made power point presentation on' The glimpses of the scientific expedition to South polar Region of Antarctica'.
Bharat Desai gave his opening remark on the subject wherein he mentioned regarding the International treaty of 1959 on Antarctica. It was signed to protect its environment and to prohibit using the region for military purpose. He also gave details regarding the scientific research centers of various countries and the subjects of research thereon.
Dr Akur Srinivasan presented his power point presentation on the subject. He started with geographical details regarding Antarctica which covers 5.4 million square miles . He further informed regarding the scientific research stations of various countries with population 5000 in the Region'. He showed slides regarding Ice sheets, Iceberg and Ice peaks. He also presented few pictures of Animals,Birds, Shark, and whales which resides on the continent of Antarctica He also presented glimpse of beauty below the Antarctic ocean.
He concluded with the history of antarctic region including the the various expeditions taken for reaching the south poles i.e. Ronald Amundsen reached in 1900 and British Group under the leadership of Scott in the year 1944.
Bharat Desai congratulated A Srinivasan for presenting the Antarctica very meticulously with lots of information.
Thereafter Enuce De Sa gave message of Christmas and New Year along with Christmas songs.
Young girls Nikki and Malvi played a music on Saxophone which was also received very well. M L Swamy proposed vote of thanks to all participants. The session ended with the few minutes Yoga Session at the end.